Friday, 8 May 2015

Too many too's!

I have spent many hours of late just completing repetitive editing work line by line, re-reading and then re-editing again. It is pains taking work and would normally be the role of an editor but with the fee for this work standing at £1,000 I cannot afford that. Being a perfectionist this has to be write right? I know, just testing, it has to be right! There were far too many too's!!

I have also been looking at print on demand options which for those of you who don't know is a system whereby books are printed to order and delivered to your reader directly, similar to a system amazon have! I will therefore being doing the online version for Apple ibooks and then providing a link for print on demand. 

I have also been doing some notes for a further two books and I advice that you always have a note book nearby. I woke with a start the other day at 5:30am and was scrabbling for a pen and paper to scribble quickly as the back cover of my book, which I have struggled to write suddenly came to me. If I hadn't found a pen then I would not have remembered the next day, so yes, note books at the ready always. You never know when either inspiration for new work or amendments to current work will pop into your head. 

Word of the day: Perfectionist: I have a perfectionistic attitude to my work and I am glad I do, I am happy to work through the repetitive line by line to get to the perfectly fine. It has to write, right! 

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