Hello everybody, how are you all?
Wherever you are reading my blog then I send my best wishes and hope that you are well.
One thing I won't do as a blogger is post for posting sake. I like to share things with people, words, images, inspiration, fun, whatever it may be but it has to be a shared piece of work with a message and/or a purpose.
As you will have noticed, it's been a while since I shared my world with the world out there. It's been a hectic few months with many crazy things going on. A branch of illness that sent me into a crazy tailspin trying to get answers and find a cure and a crazy few months selling and packing up my former home. Both I hasten to add are now resolved.
I am now in a healthier place but it took me being so scarily unwell, to really look very closely at myself. I thought I lived a fairly healthy lifestyle but fairly healthy was in fact very unhealthy and I really needed to reign myself in and re-boot the way I eat, rest and play. I am back to basics with my eating.... fruits, veggies, salads, minimal meats (mainly lamb and turkey, the odd chicken and only organic lean red meat for making lasagnes and meatball type dishes) and nut and goats milks. I drink bottled mineral water or cool boiled and then filtered water and lots of lemon and ginger and herb teas. I take way more supplements than ever before and MSM pure flakes 100% and Colloidal Silver are now lifelong go to's for me as well as a massive daily dose of vit c 2500mg. That illness (that was predominantly skin based) scared the crap out of me and took five months to resolve. As good as our NHS is here in the UK, on this occasion they were useless and it took hundreds of hours of research and sourcing 'off list' medication via the internet to get myself well as well as spending £hundreds to try and seek relief and find a cure. There are seven other women affected by the same complaint in my friendship group and as I isolated myself completely, thankfully nobody caught it from me. I truly believe it is a silent plague that nobody is talking about but it will come out in the public eventually as more and more people are misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly and also deemed to be delusional in the process. My GP asked me twice was I imagining it until I showed him my bites and scars! He soon changed his attitude. Time will tell if the dermatology referrals prove empathetic and knowledgable. There is even a head of public health involved.
I am now 100% clear but I will never live my life the same way again. Our bodies are not meant to eat white carbs, (bread, rice, pasta, etc) white sugar, sugary drinks, doughnuts, cakes, pastries, synthetic cream, cows milk, the list goes on and although I didn't over indulge in any of those things, any is now too many for me. In fact I now have an 'ANY IS TOO MANY' list because I never want to go through that horrendous time again. As many of you know I have Lupus, that skin complaint put my Lupus in the shade. It was the worst experience of my life and there were days when I no longer wanted to be here. I would never have acted upon those 'ideations' for many reasons but none the less, the weight of the burden of trying to manage and to rid myself of the complaint was all too consuming for far too long. I feel blessed that I persevered and got to the other side of it. I feel blessed I have my health back. I feel blessed that I now only have the daily burdens of my Lupus to cope with and I feel blessed that I found a new healthy road to travel and explore in terms of food and self love.
I also moved home. Away from a locality I had lived with my children for almost 20 years. A locality I never really called home. A locality where I met some lovely people who will be in my life forever. A locality where I met some crazy people I am glad to get the hell away from. I realise of course that it isn't the locality but my choices that allowed these crazy people to impact upon me. I also realise that choosing to cleanse my life of people (detox) has much the same effect on you as a body detox does, in that things get worse before they get better. Not many people can take being told that how they behave isn't acceptable. Being made to face yourself in the mirror and hear that how you spoke to somebody, how you behaved hurt someone and that they no longer want you in their life is tough for most people to take and the back lash from being brave enough to do that this past few years with three different people has been crazy. People have retaliated with vitriol, abuse and downright vindictiveness but I stand by my 'people' cleanse as I stand by my 'body' cleanse as I stand by my 'home' cleanse. I live in a lovely new home. Smaller, more manageable, prettier neighbourhood, surrounded by friends, feeling free to roam the locality without retribution and ready to explore the alleyways, avenues and roads on this next part of my life's journey.
This has all taught me that any excesses that are not serving a purpose are 'too many' be it foods, substances, people, environments etc and I love the new 'detoxed' life I now live. Maintaining the lifestyle changes and learning from the lessons is key. We were not meant to eat certain foods, we are not meant to put up with certain people in our lives and if you can sense that you are not meant to remain in the environment where you are then choose to detox all aspects of your life. We are only here once and we are in charge of ourselves and our own wellbeing.
I am feeling healthier, more invigorated and more motivated by the day and the inspiration to continue with book two isn't far away. My writing den is now ready and I am looking forward to writing again. Fi needs to continue her journey too.
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