I told you all a couple of weeks ago that I was done with the book and ready to upload it. I did upload it to ibooks author and stumbled across a proofreading tool in there! So I switched it on and there were lots of green markers on page 1 and page 2 and in fact every page and so I set about responding to these green markers in order to improve my book even more! I was astounded just how many times I used the following:
As soon as
Once again
In fact
In order to
In relation to
As to how
Once more
In regards to
as well as incorrect ?!,.:""''. Oh dear. What a chore that turned out to be but I did it. Then I did it again and guess what I missed stuff the first time. That just left a final spell check and in the main it was the American versus English spelling dilemma! However, there was the odd green mark still in there that I had missed AGAIN! So I spell checked again and I am now finally satisfied that the text flows beautifully and I can't wait for you to judge that as my readers.
I await the art work for the cover to be finalised and then it can be loaded to ibooks and I have chosen an amazing company called Completelynovel.com for my print on demand POD paperbacks.
I have also begun to check out venues for my book launch and I have started to compile my invitations list.
I am in the early stages of the marketing phase and busy researching that on a daily basis and will update my blog when I have significant information to share with you all.
So to re-cap. I wrote the book, I re-wrote the book, I edited the book, my editor edited the book twice, my co editor read the book and then re-read it as a co-editor, I uploaded the book and discovered proofreading software and I proofread the book, then I proof read it again and then I spellchecked it not once but twice for a final sweep. Phew! You think it's an easy job being a writer. Think again. Brain taxing and back breaking. Will I do it again after this one is published? You bet! I have the bug!
Word of the day: Exhausted:Yes I know I have already used it but I really am Exhausted!
It is exhilarating to be at this stage, so close to publishing and contemplating having MY book, that I have written, launched but I am truly truly exhausted.Happy but exhausted.
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