Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Weird and weary

What a weird few days. I have been finalising my product placement requests and once again the bigger the company the harder they are to contact and/or get a reply from. In my frustration and sheer annoyance with some of these larger companies, I have re-written some of my text and removed the companies names and/or products from my novel. At the end of the day they are getting free advertising and why should I bother chasing them? The small local companies as usual, reply almost instantly and show a great deal of gratitude and good wishes for the books success. I repeat to any new authors reading my blog, minimise the product placement!

I have also been researching whether to publish with ibooks or via other epub platforms and discovered that I could have written the book directly onto the ibooks author app, if I had known!!!!. 
So again to new authors,I advise that if you have NOT yet started your book then research how you are going to self publish and if you?, like me, decide upon the ibooks route (which incidentally pays 70% commission as opposed to 35% on Amazon), then use your macbook, imac or ipad to write your book on a template, within ibooks author. You can then create an account in itunes connect and upload fairly easily to the ibooks store! Apple have invested billions into the ibooks side of their business and why?, you may ask? Well, because they see the growth potential of e-reading and you only have to check out the tutorial on ibooks author to see the potential of the rich interactive experiences available within some of the books on offer to realise that it is a huge developing market. Also Amazon restrict you to their platform only! and we need as much flexibility as possible for the saleability of our creativity do we not? 

The actual process of re loading my work onto ibooks author has been  like a first day at school for me. Nerve wracking and exciting in equal measures. I am literally teaching myself as I go along. My phone call to Apple today, proved frustrating, in that, I was constantly directed to check out this, that and the other guideline instead of them just remote accessing my laptop and assisting me. Kind of bothered me, seeing as how they will be getting 30% of my sales for the minutest input into this process but they are better than Amazon in terms of looking after authors, so my research keeps telling me!

Word of the day Implode: My long term goal is to be able to write, write and write some more and pay companies to upload and download on my behalf before I implode! I am weary of the weirdness of it all. 

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