Tuesday, 30 June 2015

An Apple a day! Maybe not!

As a new author this has been such a journey. An Apple a day is certainly not always best for keeping the doctor away and certainly not the technical Apples! Using an Apple laptop and inbuilt software I have found the incompatibility with other software on other computers THE single most frustrating time I have ever experienced whilst using computers for the last 16 years or so! I really thought that I had passed the phase of crying at the screen in front of me many many moons ago. Alas I found myself there once again last Saturday as I tried to rectify once again the editorial and typesetting errors presenting themselves to me once more. I have literally lost count of how many times I have edited, re-edited and typeset and re-tyepset this book! I have now completed it again and I hope for the last time and sent it to my publishers AGAIN today for them to once again attempt to 'fine' typeset my typesetting!! Phew. 

I will be partaking in some fruit now as I sit in the garden in the glorious sunshine here in Manchester but it will be not be an apple but from the grape variety and tinged with pink and ice cold in a glass! Cheers! I will keep you all posted re the paperback launch date. 

Word of the day: Persevere!
To continue in a course of action even in the line of difficulty or with little or no indication of succesS.

Note to self: I WILL SUCCEED!

Second note to self: I need to nail exactly which software is best for authors to use which transfers with ease to publishers software!! I feel like I have been playing editorial tennis since mid May, now that is some grand slam tournament! I wonder is there is a Strawberry software company!! 

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