Dedication taken from the novel 'Exactly 23 days' which is a story of survival for women.
When your heart has been shredded and you are left to pick yourself up to recover from lies, betrayal, trauma, emotional and financial abuse, to name just a few of the list of effects, bestowed upon us by partners who chose to be unfaithful and betray us, be it in reality or online, I just want you to know you WILL survive, you CAN do it.
It takes the seconds which seem like they are as long as a day, to eventually turn into manageable minutes, that then become a goal of an hour, followed by aiming to survive the never ending days and nights, when you don’t want daytime to come and you cannot wait for night time to fall once more, to allow you the peace of knowing you have survived another day. Believe me, you do have it in you. Dig deep and do what is required to get through those seconds, minutes, hours and days. It could be screaming as loud as you can, it could be dancing and singing like nobody can see or hear you, it could be power walking like you have batteries inside you, refusing to die, it could be a peaceful soak in the bath, it could be crying until you can cry no more, it could be grabbing precious time with your children, it could be choosing to drink a fruit drink and eat a yoghurt because that’s all you can face eating, it could be writing in your journal, explaining how you feel about those who chose to hurt you, it could be snatched moments of laughing with your friends until the tears roll down your legs. Whatever helps you, do it.
Just believe, have faith in yourself, trust your craziness, trust your recovery, trust your relapses, trust that you are doing great, as you are able to tick off another day in your head, knowing that your life is going to be so much more fulfilled without having somebody difficult in it, who just did not deserve to be there. I am a firm believer in Karma and the law of attraction. Whilst sitting in my garden watching the recent eclipse, it made me realise the level of the precision of the alignments of the planets, which brought such a spectacle of nature and how infrequently that alignment happens. I believe our lives are also about precision and alignment and that we are meant to be on the journey we are on and that better things are coming our way. Don’t let somebody who chose to walk out on your dreams let you believe your dreams are over. Create a new dream, a new goal. What have you always, always wanted to do? Go out there and do it. Right now. Start your dream machine but make sure that you have taken the time to ask yourself what you have learnt from the nightmare you have just emerged from first. There was a lesson to learn. Make sure you understand what it was and prevent yourself from reliving the nightmare.
Be good to YOU, all day, every day and goodness will come your way. Only you can mend you. Not your doctor, not your friends, not your family, not your work colleagues, not your neighbours and not your children. They might all want to be there for some of the journey, to help you recover but ultimately it is you and only you, who can do it. Look yourself in the eye, in the mirror and tell yourself no- body is worth keeping you in that place of pain and despair. Chose to smile and feel the wind in your hair, chose to laugh, chose to bath, chose to eat, chose a treat, chose a new look, chose a new book, chose the gym, chose to be slim, chose a walk, chose to talk, chose tears, chose to dispel your fears, chose whatever it is you need to get through the seconds, minutes, hours, days, nights, weeks, months to the ‘you’ that was there all along. You can do it and you will do it.
When you know you are finally mended, spread the word, hold out your hand, share some love from your heart and some laughter from your soul and be there for a new member of the sisterhood who needs your help. Let’s all help all our sisters worldwide to stand tall and know, they can and they will recover, survive and thrive, to live the life they deserve.
To all the sisters who reached out and held my hand in what ever way you could, who cried my tears with me, and laughed my laughter too, I thank every one of you. I survived. Jayne.
The above is taken from my debut novel Exactly 23 days and it warms my heart when I get messages from strangers telling me that the words I have written have impacted upon them in one way or another. One of todays messages via a third party says, 'Thank you so much for that book, I can relate to every word, it's like I was meant to read it to get my life in order'. There are a few recurring threads among the feedback and reviews for my book and they are: a need to know when my next book is out, 'unputdownable' comments and 'relatable' comments. I have said many times that my motivation to write the book was to help other women and I am so happy to hear the recurring message that people are finding the contents of the plot relatable, helpful, hopeful and inspiring. I am humbled and honoured that people choose to comment. It inspires me for sure. Thank you.
To purchase the book click the link or go to apple iBooks, Waterstones UK, Barnes and Noble or Amazon UK.
To purchase the book click the link or go to apple iBooks, Waterstones UK, Barnes and Noble or Amazon UK.