Saturday 2 January 2016

Did you throw out the old year in readiness for the new one?

A very happy New Year to you all. Where ever you are from my little corner of the world as I enter yours via the wonder of satellite technology and online media, I wish you a wonderful 2016. I wish you a healthy year or a healthier year at least, if, like me, you have a challenging diagnosis. I wish you a happy year or a happier year if 2015 was lacking in the happiness stakes for you and I wish you all wealth too. 

What does wealth mean to me? Well initially the thoughts of 'more money' come to mind, so that I can buy, or get things for people that I love and care about and for myself too of course, but actually I love to 'give' to others and I am so glad my childhood instilled that gift of giving into me. I have a limited income and cannot possibly give as much as I would love to, to all those I cherish? Or can I? Of course I can. I can give many many things other than money and things. 

I have started my 2016 giving plan today by emptying a wardrobe of electrical and kitchen items stored there, that I will never use again. I will give them to offenders who are setting up home again after serving prison sentences. 

I am starting a life changing food regime on Monday and my cupboards, fridge and freezer will be emptied in readiness for the new shopping list and so all that produce will be given to a homeless shelter. A new food regime also means a new body shape and so my wardrobes and clothes drawers will be organised and all the excesses, never to be worn again, will be given to my local charity shops. 

As well as giving away THINGS! I will give more of my time away in 2016 to the 'things' close to my heart, in order to ease others pain.

I will do that by giving more time to the elderly widows that I love to spend time with at our teatime eat treats!and I intend to contact an elderly charity about 'Sharing Sunday's' to encourage an elderly person to come and share a Sunday meal with me and mine. 

I will also donate some of my time to Millie's Trust (an organisation set up by a mother and father who's child choked to death whilst at a daycare centre) and her parents have devoted their lives since the death of their daughter to preventing other children experiencing a lack of first aid care whilst attending nursery. They have won multiple well deserved awards and even put enough pressure upon the government to get Paediatric First Aid legislation changed here in the UK. A fantastic charity that I have registered my interest with that I will give my time to in 2016. Check them out at

I also intend to help Gift of a Wedding again in 2016. This is another incredible charity that gifts weddings to people who are terminally ill or who have a life altering challenging illness and they do this by sourcing every aspect of a wedding, that the happy couple desire, often with very limited timescales due to the severity of illness and imminent death of one of the recipients of the weddings. Again a wholly worthwhile charity that you can check out at

I will give time to my children in 2016 to help them in whatever way I can as their mum. I adore my children and I am fortunate that I have two happy, healthy children who are making their way in the world! A mums job is never done. EVER.  

I will give time to my friends in their times of need in 2016. 2015 presented many of my circle of girlfriends with challenges to their health, wealth and happiness (including myself) and we were all there for each other as we always are, to pull each other back up and face the wrong turnings of our live's in order to soldier on! 

I will give my friends laughter too in 2016. Girly giggles and belly laughing shrieks until the tears roll and we need the Tenna ladies again, because that is what they give me in so many many instances. Knowing I am going round to a girlfriends or having a girly meal out or a girls night on the town drinking and dancing or having a fire pit night in the garden, whatever it is, it will be amazing because we are all there for one thing only, to 'give' to each other. A hug, a smile, a glass or two, the best lemon cake EVER or laughter. It's the best present you could ever give to anyone, 'giving' something of yourself for someone else, whether it's for their health, their wealth or their happiness. 

I will also be giving my words to my readers in the form of my blog, my social media presence and through my current book: and possibly via new words too if I publish more work in 2016, I will certainly be writing more stuff in readiness for publishing! Words too, are a lovely gift to give, full of comfort, peace, solace, encouragement, motivation, reassurance, laughter etc etc. 

Words really can be a fabulous gift and 2015 saw me throw away people, things, and words that were no good for me in readiness for the joys of health, wealth and happiness coming mine and your way in 2016. Happy, healthy and wealthy you for 2016.  

What will you be 'giving' in 2016? 

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